Hi y’all!


I married my high school sweet heart after college and bought our sweet little house in Oklahoma City! We have 4 fur children, two fat cats and two miniature daschunds!

We had heard all of the buzz about this crazy lipstick that stayed on all day, but finally tried it about 3 years ago! And we were hooked! Not being crazy big makeup people, we loved that we could have our perfect simple lip color without having to worry about it being all over our face and cups by the end of the day.

We are so excited that you have stopped in to see us! I’m Ashley and this is my mom Donna! We are pretty much the same person and a lot of the times inseparable!

We are from Oklahoma, with mom living in Elk City and me in Oklahoma City! We have lived in Oklahoma my whole life, but mom is an original Yankee! She met up with my dad in the small town of Elk City and the rest is history!


Mom had done Mary Kay for years while we were young, and made a total career change when we made it to middle school to running a construction company with my dad. So she knew a winning comp plan when she saw one! I just knew I wanted some Target money and a way not to have to ask the hubs for money to decorate the house with.

So we signed up to do this crazy biz together and it has totally changed our lives! Not only are the products the bomb.com, we have met some of the most amazing people and had the opportunity to help others change their lives!


We are vendor show addicts! We love everything from the atmosphere to the wonderful people we become friends with! We have such high dreams for our team and can see the bright futures of so many up coming boss babes!

Mom and I would love to answer any questions you may have or we can totally be friends on Instagram or Facebook!

With love from your future besties,

Donna & Ashley