Favorite Fall Lippies

I know I’ve said this before, but fall is my favorite! I love the crisp air and the sweater weather. All of the festivals and hot chocolate. And I love fall makeup most of all!

I thought mom and I could share five of our favorite fall LipSense shades. She tends to like more of the browns/corals, while I prefer the pinks and reds.

Here are mine! From left to right: Plum, Sheer Berry, Napa, Bella, Caramel Apple

And here are moms! From left to right: Honey Rose, Praline Rose, Bella, Precious Topaz, Beige Champagne

So here is to a happy fall and to finding the perfect lip color for you!

Ashley Wiseman Comment
Our Nursery Reveal

I thought this post would be the perfect one to come out of my pregnancy/newborn break. We welcomed our sweet peanut on August 12 and I cannot even describe the joy she has brought to our lives. Her room was a labor of love and I’m so excited to share it here!

So I decided before we ever got pregnant that I absolutely did not want to know the sex of our first baby. There a so few real surprises in life and I just knew I wanted this to be one of them. After we went through our infertility journey, where everything was so planned and calculated, I was even more adamant about this. Rhett was the opposite. He said if he didn’t find out, he wouldn’t feel like he was actually in control of anything. So he found out with the threat hanging over his head that he absolutely could not tell another soul! He managed to not only kept a secret, but really enjoyed holding all of the power! All of this was to say, we had to keep the nursery pretty gender neutral.

We painted the walls a neutral grey-white shade (SW Eider White) and added some color with an accent wall in Parisian Patina. I knew I wanted a simple timeless crib that was two toned. White seemed to girly and everything else we looked at was too grey or masculine for my taste! With the pandemic in full force, we weren't able to go look at furniture, so I was glued to the computer for what felt like forever before I found a matching set that we loved! I ordered the crib through Wayfair, but of course the dresser was back ordered for weeks! by mid July, I started to get worried about it coming in. So i went to the source, Babyletto, and found it! It came in the next week!

We picked Storybook as our theme. We knew that we wanted a wall of bookshelves and something that could encompass a whole range of decor. My family built our bookshelves and blanket racks. The window wall decor was decoration for one of our baby showers and I was just too precious to not display! Rhett’s mom and sister created them from thrift store books and a whole lot of hot glue! I HUNTED for the perfect storybook art pieces for this space and could never find the “right” fit. Rhett’s Aunt gifted us with the most beautiful paintings that fit my vision perfectly. The blankets were all made from Rhett’s great aunt, aunt and great grandma.

The final touches were brought in after her birth. Rhett had a blanket with her name on it made in secret. The pink pouf was thanks to late night Amazon shopping and the mobile was a “requirement” according to both grandmas!

Every time I walk into this room, it fills me with joy. So many people put so much love into this space. Edee will forever have pieces of both families that show how much she was wished for and how much she is loved.

Links for furniture:

Crib | Dresser | Glider

Ashley WisemanComment
Our 4 Year Seneversary

Oh where do we even begin?! Personally, I cannot believe that we have had the honor of being a part of this business for 4 years! I wanted to take a minute to jot down some of my thoughts for this day and thought I would share them with you all!

First off, I think it’s important to say thank you. Thank you to all of our amazing customers, downline, and the community that has been created around us! You have truly made this business so fun! I always want to say thank you to mom. If it weren’t for her seeing the potential with this company, we would not be here!

I think the most important thing that has come out of this, is our growth. It has been so fun to watch mom to come alive at vendor shows and in home demos. She has such a knack for encouraging and being able to talk to literally everyone as if she has known them for years! I love that working with her has allowed me to step out of my shell and learn that loving on and watching women become more confident is something that I didn’t know I would love so much! We have both gained so much confidence with our products and in our personal lives, too!

Personal development is something I never thought I would crave as much as I do. I love constantly learning new things about myself and finding new tips to help others the way they learn best. I have always been a major planner and goal setter, but through personal development I have learned how to actually put my plans to action and create something I am proud of!

But if I’m totally honest with myself, the best thing that has come from this business is the relationships. Not only have mom and I grown even closer (as if that was possible), our upline and sidelines are some of the most amazing women! I have never felt more encouraged or uplifted by a group of people than I do with our amazing team.

Sooo with all of that mushiness, I just want to say that we are looking forward to many more years of helping others and building a community of women that make our lives even more meaningful!

Ashley WisemanComment
How to create Anti-Aging Whipped Lotion

This lotion is LIFE CHANGING! Okay, that might be al little dramatic, but it is seriously the most luxurious and buttery thing you will ever put on your body!

I actually got this idea from another Senesister and knew that I had to recreate this and share it with you all! Plus, it has been my go to lotion while being pregnant because it has sooo much Seneplex Complex in it which renews your skin cells at a faster rate, therefore keeping the stretch marks to as much of a minimum as possible!

I still use the Advanced Hydration Body Lotion for the rest of my body after each shower, but this lotion is perfect for any areas that are super dry or you are wanting to keep well moisturized!

Here’s how I created it:

  • 1/2 a container of Shea Butter Body Cream - The most luxurious and nutrient rich lotion! So thick and creamy!

  • 4 squirts of Advanced Hydration Body Lotion - This is the lightest and least greasy lotion that I have ever used! Even my husband likes it!

  • 3-4 drops of Nangia Oil - The triglycerides help your skin retain moisture and the oil slows down water loss.

  • 6 pumps of Climate Control - This product is GOLD! It is hydration in it purest form. It has such a small molecular weight in order to penetrate through and hydrate from the inside out!

I made a little short video showing how i mixed everything together and what it all looks like! Check it out!

Ashley WisemanComment
Wearable Orange Eye Look

Only 2 more colors left to play with in the rainbow collection! I honestly can’t decide which of these looks has been my favorite! I have had so much fun finding inspiration photos for each look and creating something that I would happily wear put into the world! It has gotten me out of my makeup comfort zone and I hope it inspires you to try something different and fun!

This month I did a super wearable orange eyeshadow look! This look is seriously so versatile. It can easily be worn in the summer for a fun date night or brought into fall with a bold lip!

Ashley WisemanComment
My Summer faves

This morning I was thinking about all of the things that make summer summer to me. It’s been a strange summer (year) so far and I was needing to have a moment of gratitude to start my day. So I thought I would share some of my favorite summer things with y’all! Maybe this will inspire you to reach for the simple things and find something to be grateful for each day.

Food & Beverage

  • Fruit Salad

My mother in law taught me how to make this SUPER simple fruit salad and it is something I crave now! This is how I make it!

Step 1: Choose your fruit. I usually do apples, clementines, bananas, strawberries, and grapes, and pineapple.

Step 2: Cut everything into bite size pieces.

Step 3: Combine everything (including the pineapple juice! This is important!)

Step 4: Add in a pack of jello! I usually use strawberry, cherry or raspberry. An alternative to the jello that keeps the sugar level down is Crystal Light!

And that’s it! Super easy! The hardest part is to not eat it all in one sitting!

  • Smores

This one feels like an obvious summer favorite! We even have an indoor s’mores maker ( thank you Bed, Bath & Beyond) that we can use when it just too hot to sit outside around a fire! Here are a couple ways you can make your s’mores even better: add peanut butter or swap the Hershey’s for a Reeses cup!

  • Iced Coffees

I crave iced coffee all year long, but it only feels right to let myself enjoy it in the summer. It keeps the emotions I tie to it all summery and fun! Mom and I will make iced coffees on days when we are working outside or doing some sort of craft. i seriously have so many memories of us sitting on our back porch swing after planting flowers sipping our iced coffee. I think that’s why it holds such a dear spot in my heart.


  • The Zoo

This has been a must for Rhett and I for so many years. We love taking a morning to go wander the zoo. We pack a small picnic and will sit and watch the animals. Of course, there is also usually dip and dots had!

  • Evening Fishing dates

Y’all know we are just good ole’ country folk and it usually shines through the most in the summer months. We love to take an early morning or evening to “rip some lips” as we so loving say! I can definitely say that I am not the best, but we have such a good time it doesn’t even matter!

  • Garage Sales

This is a must. I absolutely love getting together with my mom or mother in law for a whole morning of sifting through other people’s “junk'“. We always find the most unique things and even if we don’t take anything home, we have been thoroughly entertained for a few hours!


  • All the dresses

Pants are a no go. Especially this summer while being pregnant! I LOVE a good maxi! Plus, it takes all the thinking out of getting dressed for the day!

Ashley WisemanComment
Simple Eyes & a Bold Lip

Summer is here!! Normally this is one of my favorite seasons because I love getting to be out in the flower beds and mow the lawn! But this year, my body is just not having it. It could be the fact that I am 8 months pregnant and the humidity has been like 1000% every single day.. So needless to say I have been living in as few of clothes as is acceptable and keeping my makeup looks pretty simple!

This is look is one of my favorites, because the two ShadowSense colors that I used are the most versatile colors! They legit work on every single person and are so easy to use! I paired them with a bold lip to make this look extra fun, but they are great with a neutral lip or even just a colored gloss!



Light Concealer - Creme Beige Foundation - Light Concealer+Whisper Pink ShadowSense (under eye) - Pink Posey ShadowSense (blush) - Rustic Brown ShadowSense (brows)


Moca Java ShadowSense - Sandstone Pearl Shimmer ShadowSense - Black EyeLiner Pencil - Lash Primer - Regular Black VolumeIntense Mascara - Waterproof Black VolumeIntense Mascara


Mod Magenta LipSense & Glossy Gloss

Ashley WisemanComment
First & Second Trimester Update

So as many of you know, I am pregnant and due in the middle of August! Getting to this point was a much harder journey than I thought it would be, especially since I am a young and healthy person! (you can check out our infertility journey and pregnancy announcement here!) So from the very beginning I knew that I wouldn’t take a single second of this for granted.

First Trimester

I was 6 weeks pregnant when we got our first ultrasound. Going through infertility treatments, we got two ultrasounds with our doctor before moving to a general OB at 10 weeks. I hadn’t had many symptoms at this point. It was Christmas Eve morning and we were going to be telling the family that day that we were pregnant. Rhett’s dad made me scrambled eggs, sat them in front of me and I just stared at them. The morning sickness and nausea had officially hit! From that morning on, the moment my feet hit the floor I ate two Saltine crackers and had a few sips of water. I could feel the nausea, but if I made sure to do this and keep my self on a small meals every couple hours schedule, I didn’t really get sick. I was only physically sick 2-3 times that I can remember. We were so dang excited for this journey, that even as I would be snacking on my 5th cracker of the day, I refused to complain. I definitely had a major urge to nap! I think I fell asleep many times with my computer on my lap and was usually ready for bed by 8! The first trimester went by so fast for me! It was during all of the holidays and we were pretty busy, so it flew by! We waited until a few days after our first trimester was over to announce our pregnancy publicly. We felt that for us, this made the most sense. We could cherish these moments just between family and not feel any anxiety or pressure.

Second Trimester

I seriously feel like the day my second trimester started, all of my nausea and tiredness went away! I was hungry all the time and would legit bring a bag of snacks with me everywhere I went. I decided that I didn't want to know the sex of the baby until it was born, but Rhett couldn't handle that! So when we went in for our blood test, he was able to find out what the baby is! He is the only one in the whole family that knows and he has loved every second of having that kind of power!

I made it to 18 weeks before I had to buy clothes that would fit over the growing bump! We were actually about a week out from moving to our new house at this point and I was just starting to show. We moved when I was 20 weeks pregnant and it was the best time! I felt like myself, since I wasn’t sick and tired. I definitely did a little too much on move weekend and had a little bleeding. With this being our first baby and me being a major worrier, we called the doctor immediately. She told me to lay down and rest and come into the office Monday morning (as long as the bleeding didn’t continue or become serious). She did a whole check on me and said that I had done too much standing and lifting, but everything looked fine! From there on out, I let Rhett do all the heavy lifting and made sure to take plenty of rests in between unpacking boxes!

14 weeks

14 weeks

24 weeks

24 weeks

Our second trimester pretty much began at the beginning of covid 19, so we were pretty much on lock down in the house the whole time! Honestly, it probably made everything a little easier since I didn’t feel like I had to have a whole bunch of maternity clothes and we could work/rest as much as we needed to at our own pace! Rhett was able to go with me to any appointment that had an ultrasound and we had a couple of virtual doctors visits (they were trying to keep as many people at home as possible), but other than that it was the norm! Baby started kicking around 20 weeks and we will lay in bed at night and just giggle at the little feet and hands flipping around. It will forever be one of my favorite memories.

Wearable Yellow Eye Look

Hi y’all! I’m back with another totally easy and fun eye look featuring our Rainbow Collection! This month I am showcasing how to create the perfect summer eye look with our Yellow ShadowSense. This look is super simple with just two ShadowSense colors being used and can be changed up with a bold or simple lip color!



Light Concealer - Creme Beige Foundation - Light Concealer+Whisper Pink ShadowSense (under eye) Rosa ShadowSense (blush) - Rustic Brown ShadowSense (brows)


Yellow ShadowSense - Rose Gold Shimmer ShadowSense - Black EyeLiner Pencil - Lash Primer - Regular Black VolumeIntense Mascara - Waterproof Black VolumeIntense Mascara


Dahlia LipSense & Glossy Gloss

I’m so excited to wear this look to the pool or to a great summer party! Stay tuned for next months look featuring Orange!

Ashley WisemanComment
Our wedding story

Holy smokes, where has the time gone?! I cannot believe it has been three years since Rhett and I got married! So today, I thought I would share our wedding story! How about a little back story first!

We started dating when we were just 14! My mom always joked that we couldn’t say we were “going out” since we couldn’t actually drive anywhere by ourselves! We dated through high school and college except for a couple small breaks. (Does anyone else think of Friends when I say that?!)We had basically grown up together, so you can understand that we changed over the years and had to figure out how to grow in love as well. Anywho, when I graduated college in May of 2016, we had just bought our first house together and were beyond excited to start our “adult” life together! We had decided buying a house was more important to us than doing the whole wedding thing, since we had already been together for so long. Of course, we always talked about the eventual wedding we would have, but in my mind we had a year or two before that would even cross our paths. I was definitely shocked on Christmas Eve of that year when Rhett popped the question!

We had been talking about and planning a spring vacation to Maine at the time. I had always wanted to visit Maine, because it was one of those magical places in my mind that just couldn’t possibly be as pretty in person as it was in pictures. So when Rhett asked me to marry him, my second thought (of course the first was “Yes! About dang time!”) was “hmm should we just take our wedding to Maine?! I knew that I didn’t want a long engagement. I mean we had already been together for 11 years! Soo after very little conversation, we decided to make the future vacation our destination for our wedding! Rhett and I both have small, close families, but were raised in a small town where everyone knows everyone. We didn’t want a large wedding where we would be stressed and feel the need to make sure everyone’s ideas had to be brought to life. We are pretty simple people and wanted to keep the wedding about us and our journey. So our families booked our tickets and started the planning!

The key was simple! We picked a small town outside of Portland that was the most charming place! We got my wedding dress and the the wedding parties outfits in Oklahoma City, but the rest of it (flowers, cake, photographers, wedding officiant, etc.) was all found in Rockland! It was way easier than I initially thought it would be. I’m definitely a control freak, so I loved that I got to plan my wedding and take care of all the little details! I let the moms take care of the reception in our hometown the following month.

The Wedding

We got to Rockland a couple days early to get everything squared away and to finalize wedding venue. Up until this point, we had just looked at pictures of beaches, lighthouses, and outdoor venues, but weren’t able to really nail anything down without seeing it first! Rockland was so dreamy. We had the most beautiful weather to check out all of the sites and to wander through the quiet town.

We finally decided on one of the amazing lighthouses in the area (it’s actually the same lighthouse from Forrest Gump, you know the one he runs to?!). The morning of, Rhett and I went into town to get our Marriage License before meeting up with our families for a little pre-wedding brunch. Rhett and I walked the town and stopped in for my flowers and to get some ice cream before we went our separate ways to get ready. The whole day was a dream. It was so special to have just our family be a part of the ceremony. We did a first look in downtown Rockland, before heading to the lighthouse to say our vows. It was everything we wanted. Simple. Joyful. Besides the colder weather that had made its way to us by then, it was my dream wedding! (Everyone was absolutely frozen, so we had to fly through the picture part of the day!) We had dinner and celebrate the start of our married lives with the our important people. Plus, there was cake and a ton of laughs. My sweet sister in law made a video of Rhett and I through the years (all 11 of them!).

We had a wedding reception in our home town a month later for every one to celebrate with us. I love that we had our small intimate wedding and then a big old fashioned party to celebrate with friends! Best of both worlds!

Ashley WisemanComment