How to: Meal Plan
Okay, I know the trend right now is meal prep. I'm not going to lie, when I actually fully meal prep my week I feel like I can take on the world. But that doesn't happen very often.
However, for about the last six months, I have been creating a meal plan for each week. It all started when I realized how much we were eating out and how much that was costing us. (p.s. I dare you to keep track of how much you are spending on food each week. I can guarantee you will be shocked.) So I decided that the best and easiest way to eat at home more was to, well, have food in the house! But not just random food items. Actual thought out meals.
How do I do it? Well I made a big long list of simple meals that we love! The key for us what that most of the meals needed to be easy enough that we didn't have to work on them for hours, yet still delicious and nutritous! I will leave a list of examples and links at the bottom for inspiration!
Next, I take into consideration what is happening each day throughout the week. This allows me to put easier meals on days when we are super busy or plan for no meals for date night.
Then we do our grocery shopping on Sunday! Going in with a list of items ensures that we won't just buy random things (except for all of the wonderful things in the dollar section at Target, obviously..) If you are really prepped or are only able shop every other week, then I suggest you shop in more bulk. I like to go once a month to Costco or Sam’s Club to buy items that I know are always on our meal lists. (ie. chicken breasts, eggs, cheese)
I have a weekly calendar in our pantry/mudroom area that shows all the meals for the week! Why is that important?? Because you see what is for dinner when you leave in the morning! Why is THAT important?!? Well, it leads me to the question I get most. "What if you don't feel like having tacos on Thursday?" Guess what. If you see that you are having tacos tonight first thing in the morning, you have plenty of time to think about that meal and decide that you are going to enjoy it! Yes, it is that easy. Mind over matter. Obviously, chick fil a sounds better. I'm not a monster! But we have walked through all of the steps to make tacos, so by God that's what we are doing!
I hope all of that make sense and that this will help you! Plus, the best thing that has come from this? No more arguments over what to eat everyday! Hallelujah!
Easy and delicious meal ideas:
Teriyaki Chicken Casserole
One pan sausage and veggie
Tacos and guac
Turkey Burgers with sweet potato fries
Sheet Pan Anything
Soup (did you know you can freeze them in individual portion sizes? So if your Significant Other doesn’t love soups, you can still have them for lunch or a solo dinner!)
Salads (all the salads!)
You can find more of my favorite recipes on my Pinterest boards!