My Sunday Routine
Sunday's are my favorite.
First of all, it's mandatory nap day. Yes, that is a thing in our house..
Secondly, it is the beginning of a new week and the perfect time to plan for a successful week!
Okay, so let's get down to business! I always felt like my Monday's were crazy because we didn't have the clothes washed or the house clean or didn't know what was going to be for dinner that night, let alone the rest of the week. Then, I started using my Sunday's to set up my week with intention and prioritize everything that needed to happen.
Do the dang laundry. I know some people prefer to do the laundry throughout the week or you have more than 2 people in the house therefore much more laundry then I do, but I use Sunday's as laundry day. This means we don't have to go on a hunt for that polo or cardigan you want on a Wednesday morning when the husband is already late for work. I also wash the sheets on Sunday. Nothing feels better than clean sheets!
I plan my meals in advance for the week (to be discussed in detail in a future post!) and grocery stop on Sunday! Stay tuned for a how and why I do all of the shopping on Sunday and how it has made life so much easier!
I sit down with my handy dandy planner and time block my week!
First, I block out the times that I know. Work, date night, etc. Time blocking has been a life saver since when I worked my 8-5 and especially now that I work from home! We all have so much going one, for example, I own my own SeneGence business, write this blog, be a wife, friend, a dog mom.... You get it. I'm sure your life is the same. Crazy Pants! Time Blocking is how I prioritize and set a specific time aside for each thing. For example, I know every Tuesday night is date night. I'm not going to plan a friend date or a hair cut at that time because I know for a fact Rhett and I will be having our time. It makes the week so much less hectic!
Yes, I know all of these things takes time out of the already short weekend. But honestly, spending a couple of hours on Sunday can set you up for a great week and that is so worth it! Plus, then you get to relax and work on your self care for the rest of the day! I usually like to do a mask or take a bath or have some me time and read a good book! Self care is so important and what better way to start your week??
So... what is your Sunday routine?!