Our Courtyard Remodel

When we bought our home 3 years ago, one of my favorite things about it was the courtyard.  Two years later, it was never used and honestly was just more of a hassle.  Like, I was always embarrassed to have people come through it to get to our front door! 

So this year, we did a total overhaul! 

We started by removing all of the bushes and a giant tree! We had bushes all along the inside of the brick wall as well as in a U shape around the tree! I was sooo sad to see the tree have to be cut down, but the roots were causing concrete problems and I constantly worried about it falling on the house in a bad storm (cause we get those in Oklahoma..) All of these elements cause for a really clustered space and we seriously didn't go out there except to pull weeds!

Once everything was cleaned out, we had concrete poured for a seating area on one side and added new river rock to the other side!  I won the battle for not having concrete all throughout, because I was afraid it would get too hot and I love the look of mixed textures as a way of creating separate spaces.

We installed a 10x12 pergola to create even more defined space and to add some shade to the lounge space!  We got our furniture during a summer sale at Lowes and bought the pillows at At Home!  One of my favorite purchases is the fire pit, but we have only been able to use it once since it has been so incredibly hot this summer!  #readyforfall

Plus, we are adding a projector and cup holders to the pergola for a super entertainment space! I think this will be a well loved space in the fall and spring!

We plan to add more plants and some sort of fun fountain to the rock area, just to make it more tranquil and zen! We are thinking maybe a couple pots with a Japanese maple and maybe something with a pop of color?! What are some of your favorite plants for the midwestern climate?? I want it to feel like you entered a zen rainforest when you enter the gate!

I hope this gives you some inspiration for your own space! Let me know if you have any questions!

Ashley Wiseman
My Morning Skincare Routine

First and most importantly, I want to say that it doesn't matter what skincare system you use on your face as long as you promise me you wash your face twice a day.  I used to only wash my face in the morning and let me tell you that when I started washing my face twice a day, I saw an immediate difference! 

I want to secondly say that I have legitimately tried everything.  I used to have pretty bad acne.  I went to a dermatologist for many years.  When I first started using LipSense I had no idea that SeneGence offered more than an amazing lip color.  A few months in, I tried our skincare line and my life has been forever changed.  

I know, I know that sounds dramatic.  But it is so true.  I used to not let myself go out into the world without makeup on.  Now, I feel so comfortable in my own skin.  I feel beautiful without a stitch of makeup on.  Years ago I never would have posted a video to the entire world without a single drop of concealer. But today, I am doing just that! 

So if you are interested in SeneGence skincare, this is what I use and how I use it:

Oily to Acne Cleanser

Dark Circle Eye Treatment

Oily to Acne Daytime Moisturizer

Silk Pore and Wrinkle Minimizer

I also use the SeneGence Facial Resurfacer 1-2 times a week to thoroughly exfoliate.  (Side note: Be gentle with your face.  It's the only one you get.  Your body is going to tell you what it wants/needs.  If you exfoliate too often, you will be removing important oils from your skin and that is not good.)

These products are so concentrated that you truly do not need very much! Here is an image of how much of each these I use! 

Here is the video of how I use these products! 

And if you need help determining what skincare line might be best for you, I would love to do so! Plus, did you catch the post about SenePlex Complex from a couple of weeks ago?  It is all about what makes these products different than any other products out there to date! 

Ashley Wiseman
My Sunday Routine

Sunday's are my favorite.

First of all, it's mandatory nap day.  Yes, that is a thing in our house..

Secondly, it is the beginning of a new week and the perfect time to plan for a successful week!

Okay, so let's get down to business! I always felt like my Monday's were crazy because we didn't have the clothes washed or the house clean or didn't know what was going to be for dinner that night, let alone the rest of the week.  Then, I started using my Sunday's to set up my week with intention and prioritize everything that needed to happen.

Do the dang laundry.  I know some people prefer to do the laundry throughout the week or you have more than 2 people in the house therefore much more laundry then I do, but I use Sunday's as laundry day.  This means we don't have to go on a hunt for that polo or cardigan you want on a Wednesday morning when the husband is already late for work. I also wash the sheets on Sunday.  Nothing feels better than clean sheets!

I plan my meals in advance for the week (to be discussed in detail in a future post!) and grocery stop on Sunday! Stay tuned for a how and why I do all of the shopping on Sunday and how it has made life so much easier!

I sit down with my handy dandy planner and time block my week!  

First, I block out the times that I know. Work, date night, etc.  Time blocking has been a life saver since when I worked my 8-5 and especially now that I work from home! We all have so much going one, for example, I own my own SeneGence business, write this blog, be a wife, friend, a dog mom.... You get it.  I'm sure your life is the same.  Crazy Pants!  Time Blocking is how I prioritize and set a specific time aside for each thing.  For example, I know every Tuesday night is date night.  I'm not going to plan a friend date or a hair cut at that time because I know for a fact Rhett and I will be having our time.  It makes the week so much less hectic! 

Yes, I know all of these things takes time out of the already short weekend.  But honestly, spending a couple of hours on Sunday can set you up for a great week and that is so worth it! Plus, then you get to relax and work on your self care for the rest of the day! I usually like to do a mask or take a bath or have some me time and read a good book! Self care is so important and what better way to start your week??

So... what is your Sunday routine?! 

Ashley WisemanComment
I shave my face

Yep.  I said it.  I know for a fact that all women shave, pluck, or wax their face.  I know that I am not the only one that has those pesky hairs that sprout out of your chin!   Like one day they aren't there and the next day you could braid it in with your hair.  

Anywho, last year I started seeing information about dermaplaning. I was like oh no no no.  My momma told me anything shaved comes back darker and fuller!  And, though I am married, I'm not looking to have a full man beard.  So I did a lot of googling and research about dermaplaning, and this is what I found out.  They basically shave your face for you at some unholy price.  Sooo I decided to do it myself! 

Let me tell ya something.  I was slightly traumatized by what came off of my face the first time I did this!

So. Much. Peach. Fuzz.

But let me tell you something else.  My skin felt the most amazing it has ever felt.  My makeup had never been so smooth and flawless!

So I double dog dare you to try it! If you aren't sure how, check out the video below to see how I do it!

If you have tried it before or try it after seeing this post, leave a comment! Tell me your thoughts and results from doing it! Or if you just want to tell me about that one time that you legit felt your chin hair blowing in the wind, go for it! 

Ashley Wiseman
What is SenePlex Complex

Hello beautiful people! This is a blog/video that I have been excited about since I started planning my blog! Does that make me a dork? Well probably.  But that's okay! We are talking about what makes SeneGence skincare and cosmetics different from all other brands! In the world!! 

So let's get to it! 

Seneplex Complex.  That's the answer.  It is a kinetic enzyme that speeds up cellular renewal!! Your skin automatically goes through exfoliation every day causing you to get a complete new top layer of skin every 28 days.  However, if you use SeneGence skincare and/or cosmetics, your skin renews every 16 days! That's 12 days faster!! Do you know what that means for your skin?? Well let me tell you! 

I want to preface this with I am not in this least bit scientific.  When I first read these numbers, they meant nothing to me.  I learn best by seeing results! But I'm hear to make Seneplex Complex make sense for all types of people!

So here is the number version of what Seneplex Complex does:
1. Increases  moisture and hydration by 54.2%

2. Increases skin luminosity by 48.7%

3. Increases skin firmness and elasticity by 51.9%

4. Increases collagen synthesis by 168%

5. Increases cellular renewal by 55.7%

6. Decreases fine lines and wrinkles by 55.7%

What.  I mean just what.  You're telling me that ALL SeneGence products do all of this?? Yes ma'am, I am.  Here are some images to show you just that!

And if you are still confused or not seeing how AMAZING this is, then here is a video! 

Ashley Wiseman
How to Remove LipSense

Hi everyone! 

So we all know how amazing LipSense is ( and if you don't, girlfriend, let me get you hooked up!).  The question that I get asked the most is "How the heck do you get it off?" The answer is Ooops! When you by the LipSense starter collection, Ooops! remover is part of it. It allows you to fix any mistakes made while applying, but it is also great for full removal at the end of the day or to swap colors for date night/girls night out! 

How to use Ooops! Remover:

1.Remove gloss from lips with a wet wash cloth.

2. Apply a generous amount of Ooops! Remover and rub lips together.

3. You will start to feel the LipSense breakdown and ball up.  Wipe lips with a wet wash cloth. 

4. Repeat steps 2 & 3 until all of LipSense has been removed. 

5. Apply Glossy Gloss or SeneGence Lip Balm to hydrate lips and keep them healthy overnight.

Ooops! remover has vitamins A, B, C, E and so many other wonderfully nourishing things in it! This means that it is hydrating and nourishing your lips while removing the color.  Once your LipSense is completely removed, hydrate your lips with SeneGence Lip Balm or one of our moisturizing glosses. Remember though, no chapstick or waxy products! 

Here's a video showing how the remover works! Enjoy!  

Ashley Wiseman
How to Apply LipSense

Hi y'all! So I'm just going to jump right into it! Okay? Perfect! 

One of the things that sets LipSense apart is how it is applied.  It's not like conventional lipstick (which isn't that why you bought it?!)  So here is a step-by-step how to apply, or you can skip to the end and watch the video!

1. Shake well.  This is going to mix up the pigments and the SD40 cosmetic grade alcohol inside. 

2.  Clean and dry your lips.  (Nobody's got time for dirty lips anyways.)

2. You are going to apply in three thin layers, letting each layer dry in between.  I promise this is quick (I usually apply mine in the car, because I am always running late...)! Apply with 1 swipe in 1 direction, 1 time.  I personally start at the bottom corner and glide across the bottom lip, then split the top lip at the cupids bow and do the same thing. Do notrub your lips together until the gloss applied!  Repeat this step two more times (3 layers, remember?).  Let each layer dry in between!

3. Apply gloss! This will seal the color in and moisturize your lips through the color!  Now you can rub your lips together and go forth to conquer the day! Without having to worry about lipstick on your teeth, face, or coffee mug!! (My husband's pet peeve is lipstick prints on glasses.)

When applying, you may feel a tingle.  This is the SD40 cosmetic grade alcohol.  If you suffer from dry lips,  it will tingle a little more than you think it should.  Once you have applied the gloss, the tingle will go away! This tingle will completely stop once your lips are healthy and moisturized.   

During the first few uses, you may experience exfoliation.  This is totally normal.  Your body literally exfoliates all day, every day.  LipSense does not contain wax- therefore your lips will be getting rid of all the waxy build up that you have piled on over the years.  Don't worry though.  I was once a chapstick junkie as well, we can get through this together.  Pinky promise!

If you just read through all of that and you are still like "Whaaaat?", then this video is for you! 

Ashley WisemanComment
What is SeneGence all about

Hey girl! I wanted to take a minute to share with you how this crazy lipstick has changed our lives and the lives of so many beautiful women around us!

When I started with this company 3 years ago, I never would have thought of myself as a sales person, let alone someone who sells makeup.  Before this I was a “blot some foundation on with your fingers, throw on some mascara and always have chapstick in your pocket” kind of girl.  Even though mom had been in the makeup industry for many years, she had been out since 2003 and been working in the construction field since then. So we had switched gears, and just really weren’t makeup people.

We had a friend that had signed up and thought we would like the products. My first LipSense ever was a gift from her for my college graduation. It was Praline Rose and I was hooked! Meanwhile, mom had been doing some research (because that is her jam) about the company. She quickly found out that the compensation plan was complete insanity and the company had soooo much more than just this crazy lipstick! So one quick and easy search and three years later, here we are still totally in love with the business!

Mom & I with the CEO, Joni Rogers-Kante

Mom & I with the CEO, Joni Rogers-Kante


We were drawn to the story, the people, and the results. We loved that it was a woman owned company and that the owner had started this from scratch with just a crazy idea and a want for something more. Plus, the compensation plan was the best we have ever seen!


SeneGence is not like other MLMs.  This business is full of women that want to build you up and see you succeed along with them.  It is a sisterhood.  I know that sounds kind of cheesy and for girls like me that basically grew up being a tom boy that would rather hang with the guys, it was unique.  These women actually care! Joni’s mission is to help women live life in love and abundance and to provide you with a way to work for it! When mom and I signed up and started building a team, we wanted to be a place that women could come into and leave more confident and uplifted. A no pressure environment.


I cannot even begin to explain the differences in my life from just 3 years ago. I have grown and changed so much! Through so much personal development and team trainings, my confidence is on a totally different level! I was always a major list maker and planner, but now my lists are goal driven. My favorite part? I get to work with my mom. We are best friends and the most fun and sassy duo out there! I love that I get to watch her fall in love with what she is doing. We have such a passion for helping people and watching people fall in love with themselves and their lives all over again!

Ashley WisemanComment