5 Things I do each day to make life better

Pick up/do dishes before bed every night. This one is life changing. I know that sounds dramatic, but it’s seriously the truth! No matter the time or how tired I am, I absolutely insist on cleaning up and loading the dishwasher. This way, every morning when I get up to start the day, I don’t have the mess from the day before staring me down.

Do something just for me each day. Even if it’s only take a shower or watch an episode of your fave show! With a 6 month old in the house, sometimes these are harder to come by. Somedays I don’t get this moment until the end of the day when Rhett and I go to bed at 8:30 just to binge watch something ridiculous for a little bit. Sometimes it’s literally just a pee break.

Make the bed. I used to do this every day because I was raised with my mother insisting I do so. Then I went off to college and became my own person (aka decided it wasn’t necessary aka became lazy). When we redid our bedroom, I loved the way I felt every time I walked into the room when the bed was made. On top of that, I realized that if I expected Edee to make her bed ever, I better get my act together.

Make notes for tomorrow. When I get into bed, I always reflect on the day and make notes about what I need to do tomorrow. This helps me to feel like I have a handle on my life and also lets me go to sleep without feeling like I’m forgetting something.

Clean one thing each day. This is the worst and also the most helpful most of the time. If I don’t do this, I always feel like I make it to the weekend and have SOO much to get done. So in true Ashley fashion, I made myself a list. I do sheets on Mondays, dust on Tuesdays, clean a bathroom each Thursday. You get the gist. I always want to be able to spend as much time as possible with my family at night and the weekends, so even when I don’t want to scrub that toilet, I know it will be worth it in the long run.

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