6 Month Baby Update

How have we gotten here?? Where has the time gone? I feel like we just brought out little Edee home yesterday, but also like I’ve been her mom forever. I thought I would share some of the things we have learned and loved over the past few months! Most of our must haves are in this blog post, so I’m going to share more about some little tips and tricks!

One of my most recent favorites is the carrier we bought for us and her on Valentine’s Day! I wanted one that we could use for all stage of baby. So we could use it with her now and also with a newborn baby. I had a wrap whenever she was a tiny thing, but with the pandemic, we didn't get out much to use it. Since she has loved sleeping in her crib since day 1, I never had to wear her for naps. She had colic when she was about a month old, so I remember putting her in it one day just to be able to make cookies in piece! This carrier is super simple and truly think will get so much use come spring when we can go on walks and get outside!

We had her sleeping in our room in a bassinet until she was 6 weeks old. She took 90% of her naps in her crib from seriously day 1, so we knew she slept well in there. She was beginning to get restless and not sleep as well in her bassinet at night because she was touching the top with her head halfway through! She used to sleep like such a little savage! Legs mermaiding in her sleep sack, fidgeting around. When we first put her in her crib, I would put her down one direction and by the time it was time to feed or get up in the morning, she would be completely turned around! Needless to say, we all slept better when she started sleeping in her own room. Rhett was a little worried about her sleeping in there, but I think it was mostly the fact that she was just getting bigger that made him sad.

Since we are on the topic of sleep, I have to say that one of the biggest most haves for us has been Taking Cara Babies. We took the newborn class before she was born to help us both understand all of the things that happen before, during, and after birth. We also took her sleep class when Edee was almost 5 month. It helped us with weening her from her one night feeding and got her sleeping through the night (8pm-7am)!

When she started sleeping through the night, she needing more calories during the day to be able to go without her night feeding. We started giving her some rice cereal in each of her bottles. We started giving her baby food around 5 months, but she really never cared for any of it. This past week we have started baby led weaning. So far she seems to be enjoying this much more!

One of our exciting yet somewhat exhausting developments is that she is teething. None have broken through just yet, but I’m starting to see the tiny two bottom teeth. Luckily, with the help if Taking Cara Babies, we have a great sleep foundation in place so she working through this like a champ! I have been putting Mommy Bliss Organic Little Gums soothing gel on her before and after naps and before bed to help some!

A few days before turning 6 months, she began sitting up completely on her own! She now much prefers to sit by herself and play with all of her toys. We are also practicing crawling and rolling over. Although at this point, I am certain that she is going to crawl and walk before she has any desire to lay on the ground and roll over. She is too much of a nosey rose to lay down for that long.

Something I read before she was even here that I can now agree is a must, is to keep a basket in the closet or near the laundry hamper. As the baby grows out of clothes, put them in that basket until you are ready to put them in away in a tote or give away. Since Edee is, Lord willing, just our first baby, I put all of her items away in a tote for future babies. This keeps me organized and able to constantly have only clothes that fit her in her closet. My plan is to have 1 tote per child with items and clothes that were their favorites, to be able to pass to them when they are older. I will give them this tote and their baby books (this one is a must have in my opinion!) with notes written from us.

She is our greatest joy and most loved challenge. She is completely obsessed with her daddy and has a new obsession with making circle with a tricycle we push around the house. She absolutely loves showers and still isn’t that fond of laying down for longer than it takes to change her diaper. She is a total chatter box and tells daddy all of her stories from the day as soon as he gets home.

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