Valentine's Day Date Ideas that you will actually love

Y'all.  Where did January go?? I cannot believe it is already February and Valentine's Day!

Rhett and I aren't super big Valentine's Day celebrators, so we usually choose to keep things low key!  We have been together for one full eternity, so we have done the fancy dinners, the big gifts, and everything in between!  I do feel like it is important to say that be you single, dating, married, Valentine's Day can be fun! But that fun doesn't have to be lame or mushy! 

Here are some of my favorite ideas! No matter what type of relationship you are in these are perfect!  

Stay in and watch a movie, read a book, or play a game

Who doesn't love a good evening in in your jammies and some wine or hot chocolate?!  This is the perfect way to save money and get in some great quality time! If you are in a relationship, I love playing these question games! No matter how long you have been in said relationship, there is always things to learn!

Go to dinner with a group of friends

Make it a double date! Make it a girls night! However you do it, take some of the pressure off and just have fun! This is one of those strange holidays that feels like you have to be in a "relationship" to enjoy it! Wrong-o! It's a day for love!  That means your besties, your family, or anyone else that is down for some dinner and bowling! 

Get dressed up and go watch a show

I love a good show!  And I love getting dressed up!  The great thing, too, is that it doesn't have to cost a ton!  There are so many great local theaters or even the high seats in your music hall! It doesn't matter where you sit, it's the company and the experience that matter!

Do a cookie exchange

This one might sound weird, but go with me!  I know people do these at Christmas, but who says cookies are only for 1 holiday?! Invite friends, have them make cookies, drink Valentine themed cocktails! Boom! Super fun and easy!  I mean it's not like we need an excuse to eat our weight in cookies, but at least we can be social while doing so, right??

Have a staycation or go on a vacation

Take the weekend to celebrate! Get a hotel room in your city so you can order room service and not have the laundry looming over you! Plus, a staycation is the perfect way to get to know your city completely! 


Get of town for a couple days! Find a place an easy travel distance from you and Pinterest all of the fun things to do there.  I love a good weekend getaway! 

Soo what are your plans for Valentine's Day?? 

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