Wearable Red Eye Look

Last year, we came out with this amazing rainbow collection of ShadowSense! They are truly stunning, but maybe a little intimidating to most people! I definitely understand that! So I decided that I would do a series of eye looks featuring one of the colors each time. This month I am playing with the Red ShadowSense in honor of Valentine’s Day! Check out the look below!



Light Concealer - Creme Beige Foundation - Light Concealer+Snow ShadowSense (under eye) - Red ShadowSense (blush)


Rustic Brown ShadowSense (brows) - Americano ShadowSense - Red ShadowSense - Snow ShadowSense+Sandstone Pearl ShadowSense (inner corner highlight)

Black EyeLiner Pencil - Lash Primer - Regular Black/Brown VolumeIntense Mascara - Waterproof Black VolumeIntense Mascara

LIPS (in picture)

1 layer First Love - 1 layer Praline Rose - 1 layer Candy Cane

Ashley WisemanComment
My Capsule Makeup Products

Spring and summer is one of the busiest time of year for most people, I think.  You have family vacations, girl trips, weekend getaways with the hubs, all the things.  I definitely feel like I am constantly on the go and am looking for clothing and makeup staples that will carry me through all the crazy! 

So, I came up with my "Capsule Makeup Products"!  I always see people do this with clothes and I thought it would be super fun to do one for makeup!

The great thing about SeneGence is that everything is so versatile and blendable! It makes it super easy to have just a few products, but a lot of different looks!

Concealer - Candlelight ShadowSense

Highlight - Snow ShadowSense

Blush - Pink Posey ShadowSense

Eyebrows - Rustic Brown ShadowSense

Foundation - Creme Beige Original Foundation

Mascara - Lash Primer, Volumeintense Mascara, Volumeintense waterproof mascara

I am linking a video of my everyday look with these products and a couple of different photos with different eyelooks you can create!

Ashley WisemanComment
5 Categories of LipSense

Okay, I did it.  I broke all of the LipSense colors down into 5 categories! So here they are in all of there beautiful glory!


The Reds.

Mulled Wine: Cool - Matte - Deep Berry Red

Blu-Red: Cool - Matte - Bright Fire-Engine Red

Fly Girl: Warm - Matte - Deep Cherry Red

Fire n' Ice: Cool - Frost - Dark Pink-Red


The Purples.

Mauve Ice: Cool - Frost - Pale Transulecent Lavender

Violette: Cool - Frost - Rosy Lavender

Lexie Bear-y: Cool - Shimmer - Fuchsia Berry

B. Ruby: Cool - Frost - Satin Burgundy

Napa: Cool - Shimmer - Rich Mauve Purple

Plum: Cool - Matte - Velvety Dark Burgundy 

Purple Reign: Cool - Matte - Electric Violet-Pink

Violet Volt: Cool - Matte - Bright Vivid Neon Purple


The Browns.

Cappuccino: Warm - Shimmer - Pale Milky Neutral

Beige Champagne: Warm - Frost - Deep Champagne

First Love: Neutral - Matte - Pink-Nude

Praline Rose: Cool - Matte - Mauve-Beige

Dawn Rising: Warm - Shimmer - Light Cocoa

Nude: Neutral - Matte - Plum Brown

Precious Topaz: Warm - Shimmer - Light Brown

Sheer Berry: Cool - Matte - Berry Brown

Nutmeg: Warm - Frost - Dark Coppery Bronze

Cocoa: Warm - Shimmer - Rich Medium Golden Brown


The Corals.

Bombshell: Warm - Shimmer - Soft Coral Nude

Kiss Me Katie: Warm - Shimmer - Subtle Pink Peach

Caramel Latte: Warm - Shimmer - Golden Coral Brown

Luv It: Warm - Frost - Light, Bright Peachy-Pink

Heartbreaker: Warm - Shimmer - Rosy Coral

Summer Sunset: Warm - Matte - Pink-Orange

Pomegranate: Cool - Shimmer - Red-Orange

Samon: Warm - Matte - Bright Coral-Red

Honey Rose: Warm - Frost Sheer Rose Gold

Plum Pretty: Warm - Frost - Coppery Rose Pink

Persimmon: Warm - Matte - Dark Adobe Orange-Brown

The Pinks.

Strawberry Shortcake: Cool - Matte - Silky Pink-Red

Plumeria: Cool - Shimmer - Dark Hot Pink w/ Gold Shimmer

Pink Champagne: Cool - Frost - Transulcent Nude Pink

Apple Cider: Warm - Matte - Creamy Light Pink

Goddess: Cool - Matte - Light Pink

Sassy Z: Cool - Matte - Rosy-Pink

Aussie Rose: Cool - Shimmer - Medium Rosy-Pink

Fluer de Lisa: Cool - Shimmer - Bright Light Pink-Lavender

Dark Pink: Cool - Matte - Bright Medium True Pink

Caramel Apple: Cool - Frost - Rosy-Red

Bella: Neutral - Matte - Creamy Pink-Brown

Roseberry: Cool - Matte - Rosy-Pink

Razzberry: Cool - Matte - Vivid Neon Raspberry Pink

Kiss For a Cause: Cool - Shimmer - Bold Pink-Purple

Ashley WisemanComment
Mascara Madness

SeneGence came out with 2 new mascaras and all I can say is, I am in love.  I wasn’t ever super in love with our old formula, but this one has my heart forever.

Both the VolumeIntense Mascara and VolumeIntense Waterproof Mascara come in black and black brown.  Like all SeneGence products, they are gluten-free, animal by-product free, and are humidity and smudge resistant, with the Waterproof formula being, well...waterproof!

So after that super technical description, I'm sure you are still asking, Ashley, what makes this mascara different from others? Let me tell you (because not only is that my job, but this mascara is my new love language!).  Not only does it separate and lift lashes, it also nourishes and conditions them.  Yes, you read that right!  This means that your lashes will be able to densify and thicken, while being bold and beautiful everyday! Who doesn't want that??


And if you think that's great, you will love this.  This formula will help your lashes grow thicker and fuller over time! The more you use it, the healthier your lashes actually get!  AHHH!  

So to really drive all of this home, here are my lashes on Day 1 of use and Day 60.  Just 2 months! (top photo)

PLUS! If you want to step up your lash game even more, we came out with the most amazing lash primer! I seriously feel like I have on falsies when I use the primer with the mascara. The primer lengthens your lashes at the time of use, while also nourishing them. AND it has the same ingredient in it as the mascara that allows your lashes to grow at a 40% higher rate of speed in just 4 weeks!

Here is a picture of my lashes bare, with lash primer, and lash primer + mascara! I cannot even. So amazing! (bottom photo)

I would love to answer any questions and to help you get the perfect formula for you! Know that you NEED this mascara already?? Just click shop at the top of this page to browse all our great products!

Ashley WisemanComment
How to Layer & Premix LipSense

One of my favorite things about LipSense is that it is so versatile and you can create so many different looks with just 2 colors! 

Here are some of the ways to create your own custom lip colors with just 2 LipSense colors:

Layering 2 color = 8 colors

Use darker color to line lip and lighter color to fill in

Use lighter color for lip highlight / use darker color to contour lip = full lips

Premix the two colors together

All of that means you have 11+ looks you can create with just two LipSense colors! Say what?!

Check out the video below to see how easy it is to layer! And let me know if you have a favorite combination or any questions / need help picking colors!

Ashley Wiseman
New Year to do list

We are 2 days into the new year and whoa! I can tell you this year is going to be exactly what you need it to be. But first, let’s talk about a few things that will make your life even better. These are the tasks I like to start every year off with: Clean out all the things; Audit the year; Write my goals down

First things first, major house clean out session. I refuse to let more things come into this house if we haven't given things away. I always do the closets and offices. But this year, I took on one room a day/week and did every room in our house. All of them. The bathrooms, the pantry, the laundry room, the game/puzzle closet. The best part?! I feel like we have moved into the New Year with a clean slate! Now, when it’s time to do a little spring cleaning, I won’t feel as overwhelmed!

What even does “Audit the year” mean?? I go through my planner, through my notes and goals from the past year, and see how I did. Did I take enough time for my relationships (husband, family, friends)? How did I do on my goals? Did I work too much and play/rest too little? How was my mental health? I make a list of things that I feel like I did really well, things that I need to put more focus on this year, and things that may not have worked out for me throughout the year. Then I can go into my new planner/journal with a better understanding of how I want to treat this year. Schedule in that vacation. Plan those girls nights. Make your goals smart so they will be more attainable.

And last but of course not least, write those goals down. Did you know that if your write your goals down, you will be 10x more successful than those that have goals but didn't write them down. Say what?? Write them down and put them somewhere that you will see them everyday. Mine are on my bathroom mirror, so everyday that I wash my face and brush my teeth I can make a plan for that day that will take me one step closer to my goal. I like to make personal goals for the year as well as business goals. This year some of my personal goals are to read a self development book each month, be more present, and learn to crochet!

And that’s it! These few things allow me to step into a new year feeling like I am in charge! What are some of the things that you do at the beginning or end of each year?! What are some of your goals for this year?!

Ashley Wiseman
How & Why to budget

Well, we are one week from our roaring 20s! How is that even possible?! I am so beyond grateful with how this year has been and cannot wait to see what next year holds.

So let’s jump into this. This is a super important, and I promise not terribly boring, post that will set you up for the new year on the right foot!

Let me preface this with numbers are not my thing.  My husband is a super number dork and therefore takes care of most of the monetary needs in our family.  However, every quarter we sit down and go over our budget together.   

One of the things that we have discovered to be the most helpful is to have a digital spreadsheet of some sort.  This allows both of us to see our spendings and keep track of everything.  We use the Mint app and love it!*  It allows you to input how much you want to spend in specific categories and sends you updates when you are getting close to the end of your selected budget! Does it get any easier??  Plus, it allows you to designate a certain amount in advance to put in your savings!  Saving money is made so much easier when you don't have to think so hard about it every paycheck or month!  

At the beginning of each quarter, we sit down with our past budgets and spendings to see how we did.  Could we change how much we allot for this? Should we add more to this category? We also take into account any upcoming events or seasons. For example, at Christmas we had a larger budget for shopping than normal and in May we are going on vacation.  When you plan for these things ahead of time, you won't be as stressed when you want to buy that new bikini for vaca or that fancy four course dinner for their birthday!

Like I said, I am not a big numbers person, so before we had a sit down a couple years ago to really understand where our money was going, I had never budgeted.  I can honestly say this relieves so much stress from my mind and our relationship.  It also allows us to avoid big exaggerated discussions about needing to save money or stop buying so much in the dollar section at Target....

The great thing is you can do this is so many ways.  We use Mint.  You can use pen and paper, excel, stone and chisel.  The important thing is to understand what you are bringing in, what you are spending, and what you are putting away for that rainy day.

*This is not an add! Just something that we use and love and wanted to share!

Have you made a budget? Do you have any apps or techy things that you love/make it easier?? Let us know!

Ashley Wiseman
How & Why to do your eyebrows

I used to not be much of a makeup person.  Like I was a rub some foundation on with your fingers, through on some mascara, and stick your cherry flavored chapstick in your pocket.  And then when I started this business, I figured I better learn how to do makeup.  Especially if I planned on putting it on people! So I started watching YouTube tutorials.  And I noticed that 98% of the people were filling in there eyebrows. Was that something I was supposed to be doing?? Why had I never heard of such a thing?? 

The first time I ever did it, I was amazed! My face looked like I had lost 15 pounds! How is that even possible?? So I thought I would video a whole tutorial on how to use 4 different SeneGence products to fill in your brows!

I'm not saying you HAVE to do them.  I'm just saying try it out and see if you don't love what you see!

Ashley Wiseman
How to: Meal Plan

Okay, I know the trend right now is meal prep.  I'm not going to lie, when I actually fully meal prep my week I feel like I can take on the world.  But that doesn't happen very often. 

However, for about the last six months, I have been creating a meal plan for each week.  It all started when I realized how much we were eating out and how much that was costing us.  (p.s. I dare you to keep track of how much you are spending on food each week.  I can guarantee you will be shocked.)  So I decided that the best and easiest way to eat at home more was to, well, have food in the house! But not just random food items.  Actual thought out meals.

How do I do it?  Well I made a big long list of simple meals that we love! The key for us what that most of the meals needed to be easy enough that we didn't have to work on them for hours, yet still delicious and nutritous!  I will leave a list of examples and links at the bottom for inspiration!

Next, I take into consideration what is happening each day throughout the week.  This allows me to put easier meals on days when we are super busy or plan for no meals for date night.  

Then we do our grocery shopping on Sunday! Going in with a list of items ensures that we won't just buy random things (except for all of the wonderful things in the dollar section at Target, obviously..) If you are really prepped or are only able shop every other week, then I suggest you shop in more bulk. I like to go once a month to Costco or Sam’s Club to buy items that I know are always on our meal lists. (ie. chicken breasts, eggs, cheese)

I have a weekly calendar in our pantry/mudroom area that shows all the meals for the week! Why is that important??  Because you see what is for dinner when you leave in the morning!  Why is THAT important?!? Well, it leads me to the question I get most.  "What if you don't feel like having tacos on Thursday?"  Guess what.  If you see that you are having tacos tonight first thing in the morning, you have plenty of time to think about that meal and decide that you are going to enjoy it! Yes, it is that easy.  Mind over matter.  Obviously, chick fil a sounds better. I'm not a monster! But we have walked through all of the steps to make tacos, so by God that's what we are doing!

I hope all of that make sense and that this will help you!  Plus, the best thing that has come from this? No more arguments over what to eat everyday! Hallelujah! 

Easy and delicious meal ideas:

Teriyaki Chicken Casserole
One pan sausage and veggie

Grilled Chicken Burrito Bowls

Tacos and guac

Turkey Burgers with sweet potato fries

Sheet Pan Anything

Soup (did you know you can freeze them in individual portion sizes? So if your Significant Other doesn’t love soups, you can still have them for lunch or a solo dinner!)

Salads (all the salads!)

You can find more of my favorite recipes on my Pinterest boards!

Ashley Wiseman Comment
How to: Exfoliate

Y’all this may seem like just another how to post, but it might seriously be the most important of them all. We are going to talk all about… (drum roll please!!).. EXFOLIATION!!

I have learned so much in my few short years in the makeup world and this is one of those tips that often gets pushed aside. In order for your makeup to look beautiful and luminous, we must start with a good base! That means good skin!


One of my favorite ways to explain why exfoliation is so important involves corn flakes, raisins, and grapes. I’m sure right now you are thinking “oh lawd. She has officially fallen off her rocker!” Stick with me here!

Let’s work from the top down:

Cornflake layer: Your skin after mid thirties without any type of exfoliation. This layer acts as a barrier against skincare and serums. It is a layer built from dead skincells and sadness ( jk.. but kind of).

Raisin layer: Your skin from mid twenties to mid-late thirties. You begin to lose collagen. Which means your cells aren’t as plump as they used to be. They don’t bounce back like they used to and therefore you begin to notice more fine lines and wrinkles.

Grape layer: Your skin from birth to teenage years. That beautiful skin you were born with. Full of collagen and luscious healthy cells.

However, with exfoliation, you can remove the cornflake layer and get to the raisin layer. Once you are at the raisin layer, all of the skincare and serums are able to do the work they were meant for! That means that the raisins get the chance to plump back up.

Here is a video that shows you more of the how and why of how I exfoliate!

Ashley WisemanComment